LOLER Testing & Regulations

LOLER Regulations – Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER Testing)

If your business uses any lifting equipment in the workplace, whether it be for lifting loads or people, then it needs to have a Thorough Examination on installation (before use) and regularly from then on.

What is LOLER?

LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) which came into force on 5th December 1998 along with PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment). These regulations implement the Amending Directive to Use of Work Equipment Directive (AUWED). PUWER applies to all work equipment, including lifting equipment. LOLER deals with the lifting risks where they exist.

What is LOLER testing?

The 1994 Manual Handling Regulations used to be there to encourage people to use lifting equipment. In 1998, the Health and Safety Executive created the LOLER regulations which replaced the loler testing essexManual Handling Regulations. LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 and is also known as the Lifting Equipment Inspection.

The regulations place duties on all businesses and organisations whose employees use lifting equipment, regardless of whether or not they own it. In many cases, the lifting equipment is also work equipment so should also be covered by PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) which includes inspection and maintenance.

Basically, any equipment used for lifting must be appropriate for the task, fit for purpose, properly marked and usually requires statutory periodic testing. Full records must be kept and any defects found must be reported to the responsible party as well as the relevant authority. All lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be supervised and properly planned by a competent person and then carried out in a safe manner.

What do you need to do?

If your organisation uses any lifting equipment or provides lifting equipment for others to use then you are responsible for managing, assessing and controlling the risks to avoid injury or damage.

When LOLER applies, you are responsible for ensuring that a thorough examination and inspection is carried out within the regulations. This must be done prior to the use of lifting equipment and must be carried out by a competent person who is independent and impartial to ensure that objective decisions are made.

In accordance with LOLER, lifting equipment must be:

  • Installed correctly and in a position that complies with healthy and safety at work
  • Capable of withstanding the heavy load it is designed for and that it is marked to indicate the safe loading limit
  • Used correctly and in a safe manner by people who are competent

There can be some exclusions such as most lifting equipment used on ships as that is covered under merchant shipping legislation but if you use any lifting equipment then it is best to consult an expert such as Etiss Ltd.

When should LOLER testing be carried out?

As mentioned above, lifting equipment should be thoroughly examined before initial use. After this, most equipment should have periodic testing – the frequency of this can depend on the type of equipment and what it is used for. In addition, if the equipment is re-installed elsewhere or has suffered any deterioration or damage, then re-testing is usually required.

How we can help

Etiss Ltd are experts offering a fantastic service for LOLER inspections. Lifting inspections and investigations can seem very daunting but at Etiss we have enough expertise to help your business to safely complete an assessment and to be correctly trained and equipped to move forward.

We are happy to help you no matter what your lifting regulation questions are. Please contact us on 01206 231454.